
RPMI 1640 Medium


Product Cat. No. Volume
RPMI 1640, w/o L-Glutamine E0500-330 500 ml

RPMI 1640, w/o L-Glutamine, with 25 mM HEPES

E0500-340 500 ml

RPMI 1640, w/o L-Glutamine, w/o Phenol Red

E0500-350 500 ml
RPMI 1640, with L-Glutamine E0500-360 500 ml
RPMI 1640, with L-Glutamine, with 25 mM HEPES E0500-370 500 ml
RPMI 1640, with Stable Glutamine E0500-380 500 ml


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© Cegrogen Biotech GmbH